Windows xp pro gamers edition 2012 | |
Harga : Rp.15.000 | |
Description : Operasi sistem GamerS Edition ini dibuat oleh Team-LiL yang mana dibangun dari windows XP service pack 3 Build 5512, telah disebutkan oleh pembuatnya bahwa OS ini tidak perlu lagi menggunakan Crack maupun aktivasi dan validasi resmi Microsoft serta serialnya sudah dislipsteam ke CD sehingga tidak perlu lagi memasukkan produck key saat instalasi. Bahasa default Windows XP Pro Gamer Edition ini adalah English/UK dan dapat diubah ke bahasa Anda sendiri pada ‘Regional and Language Options’ di Control Panel. Beberapa aplikasi telah disematkan diantaranya: Framework 2.0 – 4.0 Internet explorer 8 c++ 2005 & 2008 & 2010 Java runtime 7.05 shockwave flash 11.3.300.268 Firefox 15.b3 Foxit Reader Xpadder 2012 K-lite mega 9.1.6 IrfanView 433 + plugins Vlc 2.0.3 Process priority saver 200.2751 Games for windows live 3.5 WinRAR.4.20 Directx Managed Code 1.1.0 Directx 9 Directx 10 & 11 files copyed to system32 added a few little oldskool games (some thing to play while installing bigger games) Folder yang dihapus didalam instalasi CD WIN9XMIG , WIN9XUPG , WINNTUPG , VALUEADD , SUPPORT , cmpnents , DOCS Aplikasi dan komponen yang dihapus melalui Nlite Components Applications: Accessibility Options Briefcase Calculator Paint Screensavers WordPad Drivers: Cameras and Camcorders Display Adapters Display Adapters (old) IBM ThinkPad Printers Scanners Serial Pen Tablet Tape drives Hardware Support: Iomega Zip drive printer support Teletext codec Multimedia: Media Center Mouse Cursors Movie Maker Music Samples Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder Speech Support Tablet PC Windows Media Player Windows Media Player 6.4 Windows Picture and Fax Viewer Windows Sounds Network: Client for Netware Networks FrontPage Extensions MSN Explorer Outlook Express Windows Messenger Operating System Options: Blaster/Nachi removal tool Color Schemes Desktop Cleanup Wizard Disk Cleanup Extra Fonts Help and Support IExpress Wizard Private Character Editor Search Assistant Tour Services: Fax Service Indexing Service Messenger Remote Registry SNMP Telnet Beberapa Penambahan driver diantaranya: Chipset 12.06 Cpu 10.05 Graphics A 12.06 Graphics B 12.06 Graphics C 12.06 Graphics A languages 12.06 Graphics A physX 12.06 Lan 12.05 MassStorage 12.06 txt mode (sata + raid) Monitors 10.06 Ati runtimes 12.06 Sound A 11.11 Sound B 11.11 Wlan 12.02 Sp3 hd audio 00002 Wireless 00003 Selain aplikasi diatas ada beberapa lagi aplikasi yang ada pada folder software to install manually didalam file ISO diantaranya: 1. CHANGE XP TO YOUR LANGUAGE HELP folder 2. nero 11.2 with fix 3. Fraps v3.5.5 Retail 4. overclocking tools for ati & geforce vid cards 5. dx reg keys 9 , 10 & 11 6. Ventrilo Server 3.0.3 Cracked 1000 users 7. ventrilo client 3.0.5 8. SwiftShader 2.0 & 3.0 9. Msn Live Messenger 9.0 10.Gboost 11.Magic disc 12.Cracked Steam 7.7.2012 13.Eset antivirus & smart security + fixes 14.Latency fix – Registry Hack 15.To get low pings on game servers CARA ORDER SMS KE : 087747079627 DENGAN FORMAT NAMA SOFTWARE # NAMA ANDA # ALAMAT LENGKAP SERTAKAN KODE POS # NO.PONSEL | |